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These are the people who shaped my path in the health area.

It is because of them that I am here, and it is with their help that I trail this road today and tomorrow. The list will never be final, and it can never be completely fair – – mea culpa, I’m only human. Even those who only briefly touched my life, have left one or more pages written in my “internal wikipedia”. To all a sincere thank you.

(The order is chronological, most recent to oldest.)

Extremely careful and competent Osteopath, portuguese bulwark of Classical Osteopathy, a different, interesting, and generous individual, he introduced me to a new world where the most difficult cases can sometimes have solutions that are simpler and more complete than what we would expect.

2023 – Marco Silvestre

Untiringly self-taught and an unrelenting positivist, this mechanical engineer has made all the difference in my understanding of Cancer, be it at the level of the coadjuvant mechanisms or the therapeutic attitude. Some clients make you grow a lot!

2023 – Rodrigo Melo

Another functional doctor who pays great attention to her clients, dedicated and humane, specialized in sexual hormonal balance and aesthetic medicine, but with great integrative vision and skills in various areas, it has been a pleasure to work in alliance with her at the Blueberry clinic. Together we go further and we are stronger, we can help our customers better!

2021 – Mariana Alves

Clinical nutritionist by excellence, permanently studying the edges of medical and nutrition science, and always keeping a critical eye, everyday warrior with 4 daughters, she has been an involuntary mentor of great value, aside from a clear friend. Always capable of separating the wheat from the chaff and pointing towards the most pragmatic and important.

2019 – Carmo Cabral

Highly experienced in Human Physiology, author of the Portuguese book “Lose the belly without doing crunches” and more, an absolute professional and a good friend, it was with pleasure that I was able to share at her side in a series of “lives” where we both taught and learned a lot about what ails our clients the most, and about integrating nutrition, exercise, and good life habits. Always true and reliable.

2019 – Teresa Manafaia

Very humane functional nutritionist, experienced and a generous friend, and also a personal achievement warrior, author of the Portuguese book “The Health of Our Descendants”, she introduced me to the first work environments in Nutrition, and continues to show the world how we should take care of people with Thyroid problems – the ones already here, and the ones who will be born!

2019 – Cátia Miranda

Yet another overcoming hero turned into health practitioner, he has been the most balanced and integrative naturopathic doctor that I’ve ever known to seek out, filter down, compile and redistribute the scientific and clinical knowledge and wisdom of how to heal the digestive system. His book “Healthy Gut, Healthy You” is a landmark for both laymen and practitioners, and his enteral formula and probiotics are one of the few worldwide products I can trust for those extreme cases that everyone else has given up on.

2019 – Michael Ruscio

Attentive and warm functional nutritionist, also with a personal overcoming history, she was the colleague who enabled me to do the curricular clinical internship. At her side I was able to see the attention, support and nurturing that we can and should give our clients. It’s not enough to fix the metabolism, we also need to feel supported!

2017 – Rosa Pires

Traditional Chinese Medicine therapist, fearless adventurer and cook, also a good friend with yet another story of personal overcoming, she showed me that there isn’t just “one correct answer” para each health problem, and that there are several valid paths that will lead us to the goal. We need to carve out our own!

2014 – Marta Dinis

The first functional doctor I ever met. Luso-american, a gem of a person, great master of hormonal balance, with a long experience and also a personal battle. In an appointment I did with her before I turned into a nutritionist, as I was braving this whole health and disease situation, she commented: “You fixed yourself!… There’s not much more I can do!” Of course, she still found the way to show me much of the philosophy of the Institute of Functional Medicine.

2013 – Filomena Trindade

Nutritionist and Pharmacist with great longtime experience, pioneer in functional practice in Brazil, and a highly developed human being, it was he who showed me that a nutritionist must know how to interpret blood tests as well as or even better than doctors, so that we can actually contribute to the health recovery and disease prevention of our clients. “If being sick is normal, then I want to be abnormal!”

2013 – Gabriel de Carvalho

Controversial and unapologetic naturopathic doctor, untiring searcher of medical solutions, brave pathfinder in the realm of inflammation and prolific publisher of articles and textbooks, he sees farther and wider than most, and pioneers the healing protocols that others will adopt for chronic conditions. With him I learned about the power and safety of plant compounds, the importance of multifactorial treatment in multifactorial diseases, and how over-diagnosed and over-medicated we in the “western” population are.

2013 – Alex Vasquez

Donw-to-earth author of the hits “Paleo Solution” and “Wired to Eat”, former Vegan who suffered tremendously until he found the answers for his health, co-author of the fine food sustainability treaty “Sacred Cow”, longtime pen-pal and fellow BJJ addict, and untiring podcaster, he always strove for honesty and focus on the objective resolution of health problems (and health system problems), which greatly appealed to my engineering background. His “bullshit free” attitude is a refreshing example in the north-american panorama. “Try it for 30 days, see how you look feel and perform, and then get back to me. What do you got to lose?”

2013 – Robb Wolf

Another self-taught profile, unstoppable learner and personal overcoming example, aside from a generous friend, the Nutriscience school that he founded and the special community of health practitioners around it were instrumental to my discovery of functional medicine and nutrition. There I had access to the bleeding edge concepts that were sorely missing in the mainstream health culture, such as low grade cheonic inflammation, intestinal hyperpermeability, and immunosenescence. It was also he who lead me to enroll into the Nutrition degree, and up to this day he remains as the paradigm of the “speaker on stage”.

2012 – Pedro Carrera Bastos

Former running competitor, example of rightful ageing and vigor, author of the “Mark’s Daily Apple” blog and “Primal Blueprint” book among others, he was one of the main drivers who made it practical and sensible to apply the Ancestral patterns to the modern way of life. A true warrior in the recovery of natural health, he was my conduit to finding the north-american constellation of practitioners in the functional disciplines (exercise, nutrition, and medicine).

2011 – Mark Sisson

The mysterious author of the Portuguese blog “Cannibals and Kings” disappeared without a trace, but back in 2010/2011 he was fundamental to the expansion of my mind and to the questioning of medical, exercise, and nutritional dogmas, and in considering the simple reality that we are Human Animals, integrated in a specific ecological system, which is something that cannot be ignored without paying a hefty price.

2010 – “O Primitivo”

Internal Medicine Doctor with a vast experience and an open and integrative spirit, altruistic friend, nowadays focused on the power of mind over body, and also someone with a personal story of overcoming, it was she who introduced me to such “crazy” concepts as the “Paleo” diet or food sensitivities. In the trenches of health and disease, she went above and beyond her duty to help me find out what was wrong with my body and point me in the right direction to learn more, while the other doctors merely settled on covering up my symptoms.

2005 – Minnie Freudenthal

Barely did this girl know, back in 2000, that she was making a grave mistake in marrying a software engineer. Who, by chance, would one day become her favorite nutritionist. It was only due to her unwavering logistical and moral support that I was able to switch careers, and it was because of that that we both improved our health and quality of life. Intertwined we are, now and always. It is the only way to go forward.

2000 – Patrícia Correia